Justo's Mix-Tape All-Stars - 97-98 Mix-Tape Award Winners
Our final 50 TAPES post is dedicated to the late, great Justo Faison, founder of the Justo's Mixtape Awards.
As we bring our 50 TAPES run to a close today on the 1st anniversary of the release of Do Remember!, it’s fitting that we wrap it up with Justo—because that’s how we wrapped up the book, too.
Justo Faison, who founded the Justo’s Mixtape Awards, was instrumental in celebrating mixtape culture and giving mixtape DJs from New York City and across the country their well-deserved flowers. And inside the last chapter of Do Remember!, Doo Wop, Kay Slay, Green Lantern, Mister Cee, Bobbito, G-Bo, and many more share their memories of Justo and what made the Justo’s Mixtape Awards so special.
Here are a few quotes from the last chapter of the book about Justo and his mission:
G-Bo: Justo was kind. He was somebody who was really at the forefront of recognizing these mixtape DJs. He wanted to do something special for us—he wanted to do an award show. He put himself at the center, which was kinda dope.
Nobody had thought to create relationships with all these mixtape DJs. He became a focal point, a liaison between all the DJs. And he wanted to recognize this culture that was unfolding. So he created this award thing, and it just took on a life of its own.
Green Lantern: Justo was the guy who validated us in an industry that wanted to shut us down. He turned them around and said, “No you dummies, they need an award because they’re promoting your fucking artist—idiot.”
He put us on a pedestal and let us be able to say, “Nine-Time Mixtape Award Winner,” “Official Justo Mixtape Award Winner.” That means something.
Kay Slay: The fact that he did it on his own, money out his own pocket and even cared enough to do it. The DJ is the backbone of the culture. So for Justo to kick, punch, and scratch these different labels and sponsors to do this Awards every year—it was a blessing to have somebody like that man.
Tragically, Justo passed away in a car accident in 2005. But thankfully, tapes like this have been preserved and shared so we can continue to celebrate his legacy.
Check the alternate Tape Kingz cover above, and you’ll see the tape is comprised of mini-sets by Justo’s Mixtape Awards winners DJ Iroc, Craig G, Lazy K, Action Pac, Ron G, DJ Clue, DJ Juice, Mister Cee, Kool Mike Ski, and DJ S&S, each adding their own handfuls of heat to the mix. It’s truly an all-star lineup. Peep the rare CD copy below, too.
A special thank you to all our subscribers for participating in our 50 TAPES run. Enjoy this final mixtape in the series, and stay tuned for a proper 50 TAPES recap—plus more posts to come that celebrate NYC mixtape culture right here on the Do Remember! The Golden Era of NYC Hip-Hop Mixtapes newsletter.
RIP Justo.
Justo's Mix-Tape All-Stars - 97-98 Mix-Tape Award Winners (SIDE A)
Justo's Mix-Tape All-Stars - 97-98 Mix-Tape Award Winners (SIDE B)